
Get beer with us and see Silence: The Musical!

Crawl Reno has tickets to see Silence: The Musical on opening night at Good Luck Macbeth theater and we want to take you with us!

What’s this whole Silence thing, you say? It’s a musical based on the movie Silence of the Lambs and it’s being put on by the same badass folks who last year brought Evil Dead: The Musical to Reno!

This laugh-out-loud naughty satire features a singing chorus of floppy eared lambs narrating the action as Buffalo Bill gleefully dances a hoedown while kidnapping hapless Catherine Martin. Even Dr. Lecter, scary as ever, sings about the life hed’ like to lead someday outside the prison walls.

This is going to be amazing! One lucky winner will get:

  • Two Tickets to Opening Night: Friday, September 30th!
  • Beers with Crawl Reno before and after the show
  • Did we mention you get to hang out with Crawl Reno?!?!?!?

All you have to do to enter is fill out your name and email address. The winner will be chosen on Thursday, September 29th! We’ll announce the winner on Facebook and send an email as well.

No purchase necessary. Winner and guest must be 21 or over on September 30th, 2016. The Show is rated R and contains explicit humor.

Show starts at 7:30pm at Good Luck Macbeth theater located at 713 S Virginia St in Reno. We’ll meet for beer before and after at Shea’s Tavern next door to the theater.

Contest Entry Form
