Ahoy! We’ve got some perfect opportunities for you to go all out with your pirate costumes! 6 bars will be giving out awesome prizes for costumes, all with different times, topics, and prizes. Check when and where you should be:
11:00 EL JEFE CANTINA- Most Authentic Pirate Costume WIN $50 Drink Tab + $50 Food Tab
11:30 5 STAR SALOON- Best Dressed Pirate WIN $25 Bar/Food Tab
12:00 RUM BULLIONS- Scariest Pirate Costume WIN 1 Night Stay at Silver Legacy during the Zombie Crawl
12:30 PIZZA RENO- Best Looking Wench & Worst Looking Scallywag WIN Bottle of Reno Rodeo Vodka & Pirate’s Fireball
1:00 BREW BROTHERS- Sexiest Pirate WIN $50 Bar Tab
1:00 THE WATERFALL- Best Group Pirate Outfit WIN Bottle of Tahoe Blue Vodka
This list is also on the map so you can reference it on Saturday night. We crawl in two days and we’re so excited!! The Pirate Crawl is going to be EPIC.