You Asked and We Listened
All of us at Crawl Reno are super excited to announce our newest event- the COMPLETELY NAKED CRAWL! We know how hard it can be to come up with a costume, and sometimes you just don’t want to choose. That’s why we came up with a crawl where your only costume is the one you popped out with on the day you arrived on this crazy planet!
The COMPLETELY NAKED CRAWL will happen (hopefully) in one of the warmer months to ensure minimum shrinkage and less frostbit buns, and will include lots of specials like the Buttery Nipple and the ever-popular Warm Wool Blanket. Who doesn‘t love the taste and feel of one of those?
So forget any body issues or taboos about public nudity and let your “original costume” be your look for the night! More details will be announced as soon as we can figure out how to do this in any way even remotely legal.
Until then, start making plans for our Steampunk Tavern Stroll on April 18th and our Vampire Crawl on May 2nd!