Are you ready for some officially-sanctioned fun??!?

Tomorrow night history will be made as we bring you our most outrageous, most daring and most absolutely serious event EVER! Last year when we announced our new events like the Epic Fandom Crawl  and our PokeCrawl, we were taken to task by some folks who thought our bar crawl costume themes were too silly.

As a result, our team of party experts worked round the clock to develop something more mature for 2017 …and we totally nailed it.

Can you feel the excitement yet?

Imagine how much fun you’ll have as you dress up as your favorite rock-star professional service provider and prepare for all-out risk-free, legally-vetted pandemonium! We all know how invigorating it is to review contracts and negotiate settlements, well now you can do it all while dancing at your favorite hot spots!

And specials? Well, since you’re dressing up as pros who charge $300 an hour, the drink specials will be 5 times more expensive! How special is THAT???

Hold on to your pant suit, because here we go!

Who will you dress up as? One of the 92 different dashing southern layers Matthew Mcconaughey played over the years? That perky little number from Legally Blonde? How about a classic Tom Cruise? You’re sure as hell going to find out who ordered the code red, whether you can handle the truth or not!

We’ll see you all tomorrow night for a super serious, ultra-mature, night of number-crunching you’ll be talking about way past tax season!

(note to Crawl Reno’s lawyer and our accountant: please don’t leave us. we love you and find you both thoroughly exciting.)
